Our Passion

At Rise Above Mental Performance, we are committed to empowering individuals to overcome mental barriers, elevate performance, and achieve goals. Our personalized, evidence-based strategies, and unwavering support equip you with the tools and confidence to excel in your chosen field. Our intention is to help your success become not just a goal, but a reality. Together, we will rise above the challenges and set new standards for your performance.


Based in Alberta, Canada, Rise Above works with athletes and performers of all ages and skill levels. From beginners to weekend warriors to seasoned professionals, we value those who are dedicated to investing in their personal growth and performance excellence.

man in blue and white adidas soccer jersey shirt holding white and blue soccer ball
man in blue and white adidas soccer jersey shirt holding white and blue soccer ball


Our individual sessions encompass a tailored, one-on-one approach providing specialized attention necessary to address each performer's unique challenges and objectives.

Team or group sessions are structured to align with the group's prominent needs related to various sport psychology topics. Sessions are designed to educate, raise awareness, and foster general mental skills. With an emphasis on interactive learning, these sessions encourage individuals to apply and integrate new skills and strategies into their performance.

girl sitting on chair inside boxing ring
girl sitting on chair inside boxing ring

Are you ready to...

Sharpen your focus and
eliminate distractions?
Heightened concentration is a necessity for optimal decision-making and enhanced problem-solving skills.
Boost your confidence?
Discover your strengths, set achievable goals, and conquer self-limiting beliefs.
Achieve persistent and dependable outcomes?
Nothing is more frustrating and exhausting than fluctuating results. Explore the power of consistency.
Bounce back stronger from setbacks and adversities?
Learn how to handle challenges using coping skills and build resiliency.